Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Got an iPod Touch (or is it an iTouch?) last week and haven't been able to put it down. Apple is easy to demonize and hate, but they make some darn addictive and fun pieces of equipment (maybe that's why I hate them -- because I love them so much).

But on on my little iTouch I found this app called "Note." I can -- using its tiny, good-only-for-texting, onscreen keyboard -- to jot down little notes. Gone is my need to carry a journal around (which I used to do). Now I can just whip out my iPod and tap, "make Derek funnier, but not funnier than Oliver." But I can also tap more.

I have this little story idea that, quite frankly, is rather small. It has the potential to be something bigger, but I'm just not seeing it yet. So, using "Note," I'm writing the story. On my ten minute breaks at work or during my lunch half hour, I'm tapping away at the sentence, paragraph, or scene that came to me while I worked. I'm only writing it at work and I'm going to let the story tell itself. Whatever comes to mind, whatever I think is cool or interesting or funny, that's where the story will go. I have no agenda for it.

But who knows, it might be the first book written on an iPod -- unless that's already been done. Something tells me it has. Some leader in the Cult of Mac had already written his memoir, one thumb tap at a time, I just know it.

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